Quantitative identification of point mutations
Within the scope of the development of new plant varieties the seed industry relies on methods which allows the reliable identification of genetic modifications. In cooperation with an international seed company Impetus Bioscience has developed methods which allows...
Differentiation between wild boar and domestic pig
Again and again meat products labeled as “wild boar” enter the market but it is domestic pig. A reliable possibility for analytical testing was not available. In cooperation with a well-known research institute Impetus Bioscience has developed and...
The recently published „IWA32:2019 method“ allows the detection of genetic modifications in cotton, however, the field of application is severely restricted. Only the detection of genetic modifications is possible but neither the identification of genetically...
International interlaboratory ringtrial “IWA32:2019-Method”
The „IWA32:2019-Method“, which allows the detection of genetic modifications in cotton, was published in 2019. The first international interlaboratory ringtrial organised in 2020 by OCA (Organic Cotton Accelerator), GOTS (Organic Textile Standard) and WFSR (Wageningen...